Hi! I'm Kate Yen, The Animal Empath - Animal Communicator, Pet Energy Healer & Coach for Pets and their People.


Kate Yen is a renowned Self-Love and Pet Connection Coach, Energy Healer, and Animal Communicator, dedicated to enhancing the bond between people and their pets.

With over a decade of experience in animal communication and energy healing, Kate has done animal communication and energy healing for hundreds of dogs, cats, and horses at organizations such as The Fund for Animals, Petsmart, The Humane Society, and Tearsong Horse Rescue.
Kate's philosophy centers on the belief that our pets can serve as angelic spirit guides and teachers, helping us with our mission here.
In her animal communication and pet energy healing sessions, she provides insights into pet behavior, aids in the healing process, offers guidance during end-of-life transitions, and helps pets to feel calmer and happier.

Kate also offers healing meditations to those in search of deepening their connection to their pets. Whether you're seeking to understand your pet on a profound level, support them through illness recovery, or simply wish to create a more harmonious home environment, her meditations and life-changing sessions provide the guidance and healing energy needed to heal you and your beloved pets here and in spirit.

During your session, Kate will connect to your fur baby, send them some distance energy healing, teach you energy healing techniques to do, and share the messages they for you! Book a 60 minute session with Kate today for $125, this life-changing session will be recorded and sent to you after.

After the session, you will have a renewed, deeper connection with your animal companion and they will feel energized, balanced, and have an extra spring in their step! You will also receive a healing and blessing during the session.


Book an animal communication and pet energy healing session with me now if you would like to know any of the following:

  • What is on my pet's mind?
  • How is my pet feeling?
  • Does my pet have pain?
  • How can I make my pet comfortable and happier?
  • What are some messages my pet has for me?
  • How can I have a deeper connection with my pet?
  • How can I help change my pet's unhealthy behavior?


Animal Communication & Distance Energy Healing

There's nothing you need to do to prepare for our session! You can tell your fur baby they will be talking to me soon! We will connect on zoom, in a place where your pet is comfortable and can relax. You can put the camera on yourself first then switch to aim it at your pet.

I will ask you a few questions, learn a little background about your pet and what they are experiencing, then we'll start. I'll first check in with their energy, see if there are any blockages, balance their chakras, and ask them questions. I will then relay their messages to you and close the session. It is a fun and rewarding treat for all!

Gift Yourself and Your Pet with my Diamond Activations®

Help your pet step into their highest self, feel more grounded, happy, and energized today!

What are Diamond Activations®? After ten years of doing energy healings on animals, I started to see more instant shifts once I incorporated the diamond shape into my sessions.

My custom style of energy healing uses the diamond shape in my distance energy healing techniques. I can also do this through distance on your pet's meridians and chakras. Diamonds are one of the hardest substances on Earth, and just like our pets, have gone through a lot of transformation.

My diamond activation techniques will help to strengthen and repair their electromagnetic field. I can do this on you and your pet! During our session, I will tune into your pet's energy, and send healing. Through pure and loving intention combined with this unique healing energy, your pet and you will leave the session activated into their highest power and shining bright like the facets of a diamond!


The Animal Empath You Can Trust To Help You Connect With Your Pet.

Discover the world through your pet's eyes, with The Animal Empath™, Kate Yen.

Kate Yen has been an animal intuitive since birth and has over a decade of experience in the personal development world at Hay House, Inc. Here, she received many tools for empowering empaths to live their best lives. Kate Yen, The Animal Empath, has taught people how to understand their cherished animal companions for over a decade. With a track record spanning over 15 years and hundreds of pet clients, she stands unparalleled in her unique gift and dedication to the animal kingdom.

Who is The Animal Empath?

Kate Yen didn't just become an animal empath overnight. Over 15 years of introspection, training, and real-world experience, she mastered the art of tuning into the unspoken emotions, needs, and desires of animals. With her exceptional empathy and intuitive prowess, Kate bridges the gap between humans and animals, ensuring that their voices are heard, understood, and respected.

Why Choose The Animal Empath?

  • A Decade of Experience: Ten years in any profession speaks of dedication and proficiency. In the intricate world of animal empathy, a decade signifies deep understanding, unyielding commitment, and an innate ability to resonate with animals.
  • Hundreds of Satisfied Pet Clients: From dogs, cats, birds, elephants, and horses, Kate has worked with a vast spectrum of the animal kingdom. She has hundreds of satisfied pet clients, each with a unique story and connection.
  • Holistic Understanding: Kate's approach isn't just about communication; it's about establishing a bond. By tapping into the emotional, physical, and intuitive wavelengths of animals, she facilitates holistic understanding and care.

What is an Animal Empath?

At its core, an animal empath is someone who can intuitively perceive and relate to the emotions of animals. It's a unique gift, where the empath not only feels but deeply understands the intricate emotions that animals experience. From anxiety to pure peace, an animal empath can detect subtle shifts in an animal's mood, helping pet parents, veterinarians, and animal enthusiasts navigate the beautiful but sometimes perplexing world of animal emotions.

Join Kate Yen on this journey of discovery and connection with your pet and experience the magic that happens when a renowned animal empath communicates with your fur baby. The connection, understanding, and mutual respect are truly transformative. Book a distance pet healing and animal communication session with Kate today!



Happy Pet Healing Client

"I wish I had done it sooner so I could appreciate who they are and why they chose me. Our relationship has changed. I feel even closer to them and I have grown from the messages they gave me. What a beautiful thing Kate is giving the world by sharing her gift!

- Erin L. (Canton, NY)

Diamond Activations Healing

"A few days ago I got a 7 week old rescue kitten. My 9 month old Aura was angry and depressed about it. Yesterday I had to keep them apart. There was hissing, growling, and swatting. My 9 month old kitten stopped eating and didn't allow me to touch her. Then, I booked a healing session with Kate and this is them today. They play together and Aura even grooms little Leo. He is allowed to hangout on her tree even."

- Magda Lena (San Diego, CA)

Diamond Activations

"Kate tapped into the spirit of my beloved and much-missed companion nearly a year after my chihuahua left this earth. She gave me messages that could only come from HIS sassy self...especially the part about thanking those who helped care for him. I cried happy tears and truly believe what Kate gently communicated. This session was so healing as I now feel secure I can reach him. Surprise bonus: Kate discussed some of my own personal issues, completely apart from Romeo, and helped me to clarify what I need to do in my own life moving forward. I felt uplifted for days afterward.
- Julie M. (Los Angeles)

Diamond Actications

"I want to express my gratitude to Kate who offered Ruby and I our first ever energy healing and communication session! I was unsure (maybe even a bit skeptical) what this experience would be like. Kate shared messages from my sweet girl to help me better understand what she needs from me, how she's leading/guiding/encouraging me and how I can move through hardships leaning on her. Kate instructed me on a grounding practice I can use to help Ruby and it was incredible to watch her respond to it. Her energy went from high strung and anxious to completely relaxed in just a few moments. Incredible! Something I have learned and accept is that I don't have to understand everything for it to be valid. I don't know how Kate does this, but I accept it and am so grateful she's willing to share her gift.

- Sarah C. (Syracuse, NY)

Diamond Activations

"I set up a session with Kate because I wanted to learn more about my animal spirit guide. It wasn't at all what I was expecting! It was way deeper. Kate is truly intuitive, fun, kind, and wise. She is a true healer.

- Pila X. (Aspen, CO)

Diamond Activations

I adopted June last week from a shelter. Hard-knock life, retrieved from a hoarding situation as a kitten and two more family returns in her short four years. Beautiful, small, very shy. My other cat, Franklin, has been with me nine years and just got used to a new home. Concerned how to best assimilate this new family unit, I reached out to Kate. I cannot express all the healing and love and understanding Kate gifted our situation. As an animal communicator (and exceptional soul), she so gently and skillfully navigated the messages received -- and my emotions. I am honored to know Kate and a bit astounded at the healing she facilitated; mostly mine. She allowed me to see the loving "work" our pets contribute to our lives in ways we might be blind to. And so, things are progressing beautifully here.

I so recommend Kate. No matter your situation, she will lovingly illuminate it.

- Dina M. (Santa Fe, NM)

Diamond Activations

"Luna was terrified when we first brought her home from the shelter. She was hiding in the bathroom and sleeping in the sink.

The night we talked to Kate was the first night that Luna slept in our bed. Now she loves playing with her toys, cuddling with us on the

couch, and taking naps wherever she can find a sunny spot. Kate helped us show Luna that she's safe and welcome in her new home!"

- Devon C. (Carlsbad, CA)

Diamond Activations

"My amazing friend Kate helped me connect with Roxie! She also let me know Sierra is still with me and at peace. I understand Roxie so much better now and the signals she is giving me. I wish I had done this sooner! I 100% recommend her!"

- Stefanie S. (Syracuse, NY)

Diamond Activations

My husband Burke, Teddy, and I had a beautiful session with Kate. I was in awe of her!! Her connection and gifts are truly unique.

Teddy has been having a hard time adjusting to our new house and we wanted to know what was going on with our little buddy.

Kate told us sooooo much about what was going on and even pinpointed things that were going on with Burke and I that were spot on!!!!

She guided me through doing energy healing for Teddy from a distance and we both felt the same inbalances!!

Since our session, Teddy has completely changed his bad behaviors and we feel so much more connected to him now that we know how he is feeling

and what he is thinking. If you ever wanted to communicate with your pets, I highly suggest booking a session!!

100% worth it! She does her sessions via zoom!! Kate is very gifted and you will love hearing your pets' thoughts!

- Andrea M. (Escondido, CA)

Diamond Activations

"Luna was terrified when we first brought her home from the shelter. She was hiding in the bathroom and sleeping in the sink.

The night we talked to Kate was the first night that Luna slept in our bed. Now she loves playing with her toys, cuddling with us on the

couch, and taking naps wherever she can find a sunny spot. Kate helped us show Luna that she's safe and welcome in her new home!"

- Devon C. (Carlsbad, CA)

Diamond Activations

"My amazing friend Kate helped me connect with Roxie! She also let me know Sierra is still with me and at peace. I understand Roxie so much better now and the signals she is giving me. I wish I had done this sooner! I 100% recommend her!"

- Stefanie S. (Syracuse, NY)

Diamond Activations

My husband Burke, Teddy, and I had a beautiful session with Kate. I was in awe of her!! Her connection and gifts are truly unique.

Teddy has been having a hard time adjusting to our new house and we wanted to know what was going on with our little buddy.

Kate told us sooooo much about what was going on and even pinpointed things that were going on with Burke and I that were spot on!!!!

She guided me through doing energy healing for Teddy from a distance and we both felt the same inbalances!!

Since our session, Teddy has completely changed his bad behaviors and we feel so much more connected to him now that we know how he is feeling

and what he is thinking. If you ever wanted to communicate with your pets, I highly suggest booking a session!!

100% worth it! She does her sessions via zoom!! Kate is very gifted and you will love hearing your pets' thoughts!

- Andrea M. (Escondido, CA)

Understanding Animal Communication: How Does It Work?

Have you ever wondered what your pet is thinking or how they feel? Welcome to the fascinating world of animal communication! As an experienced animal communicator, I bridge the gap between humans and their pets, providing a channel for two-way understanding.

So, how does animal communication work?

Animal communication works by interpreting the energy or vibes that pets emit. It's about intuition, reading body language, and interpreting behaviors on a more profound level. It's also about tuning into and understanding the subtle energy field that exists around all beings, including our pets.

As an animal communicator, I have a unique ability to connect with pets on a deeper level. I tap into this energy field, sometimes referred to as auras or their chakras, to help interpret the emotional, mental, and physical state of the pet. This form of communication can occur in person or over long distances. It's not constrained by space or time, which is why I'm able to offer my services over Zoom sessions.

The process usually begins with a calming meditative state to help me tune into the pet's energy. I then 'listen', 'feel', or 'see' intuitive messages that come through from the pet. This communication is often expressed through images, feelings, thoughts, emotions, and even words.

Using these insights, I can relay messages from your pet (either alive or in spirit) to you, and vice versa. These messages could be about their well-being, experiences, or simply their likes and dislikes. Understanding these messages can help build a stronger bond between you and your pet. It can also be instrumental in resolving any behavioral issues or understanding any health problems your pet might be experiencing.

In addition to animal communication, I also offer animal energy healing sessions. These sessions use the principles of energy healing to balance and enhance a pet's physical and emotional health. They can assist in speeding up healing processes, alleviating anxiety or stress, and promoting overall well-being.

If you've ever wished you could understand what your pet is trying to tell you, or if you want to deepen the bond with your pet, then my animal communication and pet energy healing sessions could be the perfect solution for you.

Here are some benefits of booking an animal communication session with me:

  • Improve your relationship with your pet by understanding their emotions and needs better
  • Identify and resolve behavioral issues by gaining insight into their root causes
  • Receive messages from pets who have passed over, providing closure and peace
  • Better manage your pet’s health by understanding any discomfort or pain they may be experiencing
  • Alleviate anxiety or stress in your pet by understanding and addressing their concerns
  • Enhance your pet's overall well-being through energy-balancing sessions

Book a Zoom session today to start this incredible journey of understanding and connection with your beloved pet.

Certified Life Coach
Certified Boundary Coach
Virtual Coach Certified
Virtual Coach Certified